Thank you for visiting the website.
“pocowAmocop” is a name of a person.
It seems like a name symmetrical between the letter “A,” but it’s not. (It’s confusing.)
Centered with music, he makes various creations.
(He made me, too.)
Please keep scrolling and try counting how many of me you can find.
(There’s no particular meaning to doing that though.)
Thank you for visiting the website.
“pocowAmocop” is a name of a person.
It seems like a name symmetrical between the letter “A,” but it’s not. (It’s confusing.)
Centered with music, he makes various creations.
(He made me, too.)
Please keep scrolling and try counting how many of me you can find.
(There’s no particular meaning to doing that though.)
Being born into an artistic household with a mother who is a singer and father who is a sculptor, it was natural for me to want to express things through art.
“Emotions and love” which would be taken as nonsense if they were to be written in a essay or conveyed through business, can be freely expressed through music.
It can also be received by listeners in a free way as well.
Music which in a way is light and instant concluding within merely 3 minutes, contains limitless love and freedom.
Thanking such music,
I would like to deliver my own unique expressions through them 🙂
Please feel free to experience my works!
オリジナルキャラクター「fulful(フルフル)」を用いたビジュアルアート作品pocowAmocopの公式ビジュアルアートとして活用 Art: 松富ランラン( […]
オリジナルキャラクターfulful(フルフル)によるジェネラィブNFTアートコレクション受け取り方法などは、順次公開 Character Design : 松富ランラン( […]
Original Character fulful
Original character fulful, designed by pocowAmocop.
NFT Art Collection fulful
Generative art collection of fulful.
How to receive it is scheduled to be announced.
Metaverse pocowAmocop (planned)
Realization of the idea of a metaverse is being planned on “The Sandbox.”
Born into an artistic family with a mother who is a singer and father who is a sculptor.
Learning classic and jazz piano since childhood, started DTM and composing music during college. Kyoto’s municipal subway adopted my music for the departure melody.
Besides music activities, created a business during college and started activities as a businessperson.
Currently started artistic (creator) activities on a full-scale alongside with the Web3.0 business that has begun.
Other than business, has two years as a backpacker overseas centered around Southeast Asia from the age of 25.
Continues a lifestyle without being stuck within certain genres or stereotypes, while living traveling around the world with family even after marriage and having a child.